A to Z Teacher Stuff: Lesson plans, worksheets, activities, printables, and more.
Early Childhood NEWS: Contains a wealth of teacher resources, including crafts, activity ideas, themed projects, and more, with an emphasis on outcomes based learning.
International Children's Digital Library: A huge collection of digitized books from libraries in the US and around the world. Users can search for books by color, length, character type and more.
Pre-K Pages: Resources and inspiration for Pre-K teachers. This site is organized by subject and theme and includes information about assessment, using centers in the classroom, teaching with technology, and classroom management, as well as a wealth of activities to use in the classroom.
Preschool Express: Containing great activities for toddlers (1-3) and preschoolers (3-5), this free site is produced by Jean Warren, author of many popular books, including Theme-a-saurus and the Piggyback Song books.
PBS Teachers Early Childhood: Activities, Resources, and more for early childhood professionals
What Works Clearinghouse Literacy Page: A collection of downloadable intervention reports, practice guides, reviews, and reference resources from the Institute of Education Sciences.
National Center on Cultural and Linguistic Responsiveness: From Head Start, this site offers resources for educators working with bilingual children and their families.
Reading Rockets Reading Topics Page: Offers hundreds of articles that provide research-based and best-practice information for educators, parents, and others concerned about reading achievement, as well as a wealth of activity ideas for teachers and parents.