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How To Cite

JoWM Books

Source Works Cited
Book, general format

McCullough, D. R.  1979.  The George Reserve deer herd: population ecology of a K-selected species.  University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA.

Book, more than 1 edition

Miller, K. V., and L. Marchinton.  1995.  Quality whitetails: the why and how of quality deer management.  Stackpole, Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania, USA.

Book, more than 1 publisher

Sowls, L. K.  1955.  Prairie ducks: a study of their behavior, ecology, and management. Stackpole, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, and Wildlife Management Institute, Washington, D.C., USA.


Gutierrez, R. J., A. B. Franklin, and W.S. LaHaye.  1995.  Spotted owl (Strix occidentalis). Account 179 in A. Poole and F. Gill, editors.  The birds of North America, The Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and The American Ornithologists' Union, Washington, D.C., USA.

Book, more than 1 volume

Palmer, R. S.  1976.  Handbook of North American birds.  Volume 2.  Yale University Press, New Have, Connecticut, USA.

Book, editor as author

Temple, S. A., editor.  1978.  Endangered birds: management techniques for preserving threatened species.  University of Wisconsin Press, Madison, USA.

Book, reprint

Book, chapter

Zeleny, L.  1978.  Nesting box programs for bluebirds and other passerines.  Pages 55-60 in S. A. Temple, editor.  Endangered birds: management techniques for preserving threatened species.  University of Wisconsin Press, Madison, USA.


JoWM Articles, Journals

Source Works Cited
Journal Article, general format

Miller, M. R.  1986.  Molt chronology of northern pintails in California.  Journal of Wildlife Management 50:57-64.


Steigers, W. D., Jr., and J. T. Flinders.  1980.  A breakaway expandable collar for cervids.  Journal of Mammalogy 61:150-152.

Journals in Press, year and volume known

Zelenak, J. R., and J. J. Rotella.  1997.  Nest success and productivity of ferruginous hawks in northern Montana.  Canadian Journal of Zoology 75:in press.

Journals in Press, year and volume unknown

Giudice, J. H., and J. T. Ratti.  In press. Biodiversity of wetland ecosystems: review of status and knowledge gaps.  Bioscience.

Multiple Citations of the Same Author(s)

Peek, J. M.  1963.  Appraisal of a moose range in southwestern Montana.  Journal of Range Management 16:227-231


Peek, J. M.  1986.  A review of wildlife management.  Pretice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, USA.


Peek, J. M., and A. L. Lovaas.  1968.  Differential distribution of elk by sex and age on the Gallatin winter range, Montana.  Journal of Wildlife Management 32:553-557.


Peek, J. M., A. L. Lovaas, and R. A. Rouse.  1967.  Population changes within the Gallatin elk herd, 1932-1965.  Journal of Wildlife Management 31:304-316.


Peek, J. M., and R. A. Rouse.  1966. Preliminary report on population changes within the Gallatin elk herd.  Wildlife Science 82:1298-1316.

Newspaper, Newsletter, and Magazine Article

Associated Press.  1997.  Feathers could fly over dove hunting.  Columbus Dispatch.  28 December 1997.; section E:15.

Eisler, P., and J. T. Bukley.  1996.  Voters to get a shot at hunting laws.  USA Today.  25 April 1996; section A:4

Jones-Jolma, D.  1993.  The fight to reform trapping in Arizona.  The Animals' Agenda.  March-April:20-24.

JoWM Symposia and Proceedings

Source Works Cited
Symposia and Proceedings, complete volume

DeGraaff, R. M., technical coordinator.  1978.  Proceedings of workshop on management of southern forests for nongame birds.  U.S. Forest Service General Technical Report SE-14, Washington, D.C., USA.

Symposia and Proceedings, individual article

Dickson, J. G.  1978.  Forest bird communities of the bottomland hardwoods.  Pages 66-73 in R. M Degraff, technical coordinator.  Proceedings of workshop on management of southern forests for nongame birds.  U.S. Forest Service General Technical Report SE-14, Washington, D.C., USA.

Symposia and Proceedings, complete volume not part of a numbered series

McAninch, J. B.  1995.  Urban deer: a manageable resource?  Proceedings of the symposium of the 55th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference.  North Central Section of The Wildlife Society, 12-14 December 1993, St. Louis, Missouri, USA.

Symposia and Proceedings, individual article not part of a numbered series

Stout, S. L., and R. Lawrence.  1996.  Deer in Allegheny Plateau forests: learning the lessons of scale.  Pages 92-98 in Proceedings of the 1995 Foresters Convention.  Society of American Foresters, 28 October-1 November 1995, Portland, Maine, USA.


JoWM Government Publications

Source Works Cited
Government Publications

Lull, J. W.  1968.  A forest atlas of the Northeast.  U.S. Forest Service, Northeast Forest and Experiment Station, Upper Darby, Pennsylvania, USA.

Government Publication, part of a numbered series

Anderson, D. R.  1975.  Population ecology of the mallard: V. Temporal and geographic estimates of survival, recovery, and harvest rates. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Resource Publication, 125, Washington, D.C., USA.

Government Publication, agency as author

National Research Council.  197..  Nutrient requirements of poultry.  Seventh edition.  National Academy of Science, Washington, D.C., USA.

JoWM Miscellaneous

Source Works Cited
Court Cases Cite complete title and year of case in text only.
Foreign Language Publication

Angulo, E.  2003.  Factores que afectan a la distribucion y abundancia del conejo en Andalucia.  Dissertation, Complutense University, Madrid, Spain.  [In Spanish.}

Software Package

SAS Institute.  2001.  Version 8.02 user manual.  SAS Institute, Cary, North Carolina, USA.

Theses or Dissertations

Brelsford, M. A.  1991.  Effects of grazing by wapiti on winter wheat and winter rapeseed, and the effects of simulated wapiti use on winter wheat in northern Idaho.  Thesis, University of Idaho, Moscow, USA.

Tacha, T. C.  1981.  Behavior and taxonomy of sandhill cranes from mid-continental North America.  Dissertation, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, USA.

Web Citation, professional site

Council of Biology Editors [CBE].  1999.  CBE home page. <>.  Accessed 7 Oct 1999.

Web Citation, article in an electronic journal

Browning, T.  1997.  Embedded visuals: student design in Web spaces.  Kairos: A Journal for Teachers of Writing in Webbed Environments 3(1). <>.  Accessed 21 Oct 1997.

Web Citation: government publication

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration [NOAA]. 2005.  National Weather Service internet service team.  Monthly precipitation for Reno, Nevada. <http://www.wrh.noaa.gove/rev/hydrology/monthly_precip.php>.  Accessed 23 Aug 2005.


JoWM Formatting Tips

  • Use Hanging Indent citations [in Word, highlight text, right click, select Paragraph, and choose “Hanging” under Indentation: ]
  • List your references or sources used beginning on a new page, not following the conclusion paragraph(s).
  • May use Works Cited, Bibliography, or Literature Cited as the page heading. 
  • Center the heading (Works Cited, Bibliography, etc.) at the top of the Works Cited page.
  • List references alphabetically by author/editor last name.  If no author/editor is present, alphabetize by title of the work, omitting initial A, An, or The.
  • Double space citations [in Word, highlight text, right click, select Paragraph, and choose “Double” under Spacing: ]
  • Double space between each reference listed.