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How To Cite

Turabian Books--9th Edition

Source Bibliography Page In-Text

Book, one author

Johns, Adrian. 1998. The Nature of the Book: Print and Knowledge in the Making. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

(Johns 1998, 78)

Book, two or three authors

Iacocca, Lee and William Novak. 1984.  Iacocca: an Autobiography. New York: Bantam Books.

(Iacocca and Novak, 1984 23-27)

Book, four or more authors

Ward, Geoffrey, Martha Saxton, Ann Gordon, and Ellen Carol DuBois. 1999. Not for Ourselves Alone: the Story of Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony: an Illustrated History. New York: A.A. Knopf.

(Geoffrey Ward et al, 1999 131)

Book, editor(s)

Maynard, Mack, ed. 1968. Essential Articles for the Study of Alexander Pope. Hamden, CT.: Archon Books.

(Maynard, ed. 1968, 801-805)

Book, corporate author

National Geographic. 2002. Field Guide to the Birds of North America. Washington, DC: National Geographic.

(National Geographic 2002, 27)

Parts of Edited Collections

Binkley, Cameron. 2011. “Saving Redwoods: Clubwomen and Conservation, 1900-1925” In California Women and Politics: From the Gold Rush to the Great Depression, edited by Robert W. Cherny, Mary Ann Irwin, and Ann Marie Wilson, 151-174. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.

(Binkley 2011, 152-153)

Book, electronic

Kurland, Philip B., and Ralph Lerner, eds. 1987. The Founders’ Constitution. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Accessed June 5, 2015. URL.

(Kurland and Lerner, ed. 1987)


Turabian Articles (Magazine, Journal, Newspaper)--9th Edition

Source Bibliography Page In-Text

Article in Magazine (print)


Martin, Steve. 2002. “Sports-Interview Shocker.” New Yorker, May 6.

(Martin 2002)

Article in Magazine (online)

Sections 17.3 and 17.7

van Breugel, Floris. 2010. “The Burrowing Owls of the Salton Seas.” Living Bird, Winter. Accessed April 8, 2011.

(van Breugel 2010)

Article in Newspaper (print)

Section 17.4

Niederkorn, William S. 2002. “A Scholar Recants on His ‘Shakespeare’ Discovery.” New York Times, June 20, Arts section, Midwest edition.

(Niederkorn 2002)

Article in Newspaper (online)

Sections 17.4 and 17.7

Theobald, Bill. 2011. “Smokies, Parkway through Asheville Would Close During Federal Shutdown.” Asheville Citizen-Times, April 7. Accessed April 8, 2011.|topnews|text|Frontpage.

(Theobald 2011)

Article in Journal (print)

Section 17.2

Green, Nancy L. 2005. “The Politics of Exit: Reversing the Immigration Paradigm.” Journal of Modern History 77 (June): 263-289.

(Green 2005, 264-267)

Article in Journal (online)

Sections 17.2 and 17.2.7

Markel, Howard, M.D., PhD. 2002. "In the Wake of the Plague: The Black Death and the World It Made.". The New England journal of medicine 347, no. 4: 297-298,

(Markel 2002, 297)


Turabian Websites--9th edition

Source Bibliography Page In-Text
Page within a Website, with author

Smith, John. “Obama Inaugurated as President.” URL. (Accessed February 1, 2009).

(Smith 2009)
Page within a Website, no author

Cable News Network. “Obama Inaugurated as President.” URL. (Accessed February 1, 2009).

(“Obama” 2009)


Turabian Citation Style Formatting Tips

  • Use Hanging Indent citations [in Word, highlight text, right click, select Paragraph, and choose “Hanging” under Indentation: ]
  • Footnotes are used lieu of In-Text citations, but In-Text citations are more common for use on this campus.
  • List your references or sources used beginning on a new page, not following the conclusion paragraph(s).
  • Turabian style requires Bibliography as the heading of the works cited page.
  • Center the heading Bibliography at the top of the works cited page.
  • List references alphabetically by author/editor last name.  If no author/editor is present, alphabetize by title of the work.
  • Double space citations [in Word, highlight text, right click, select Paragraph, and choose “Double” under Spacing: ]
  • Double space between each reference listed.