• Google/Wikipedia: Most online options do not provide sources or information suited for academic research. Use these tools instead to find topics or organize your thought process before using other resources to explore your topic in depth.
• .Edu/.Gov/.Org: Know your assignment parameters. Review your syllabus or check with your instructor before using Internet resources.
• Personal Interviews: Many of these resources can provide contact numbers for members of local law enforcement or criminal justice programs. Would an interview with a primary source assist you with your project or career goals? Click here to find out more about how to conduct a personal interview.
Bureau of Justice Statistics: Federal statistics and analysis of crime, criminal offenders, victims of crime, and the operation of justice systems at all levels of government
Criminal Alien Statistics: Information on incarcerations, arrests, and costs.
FBI: Criminal Justice Information Services: Links, resources, statistics and more from the FBI government site
FBI Records - The Vault: Contains files of public interest and historical value.
National Archive of Criminal Justice Data: Criminal justice and criminology research, statistics and analysis
National Criminal Justice Reference Service: Federally funded resource offering justice and drug-related information to support research, policy, and program development worldwide
North Carolina Department of Corrections: Links, information, and statistics on North Carolina's prisons and inmates.
North Carolina Dept. of Justice: Resources, new and statistics for NC crime, criminal justice/law enforcement training and standards, and safety alerts
North Carolina Department of Public Safety: Resources, news, career information and statistics for NC public safety concerns