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Citation Styles Used at HCC

MLA Books


Works Cited


Book, one author

Section 5.5.2 and 6.3 in MLA Handbook


Skorman, Stuart. Confessions of a Serial Entrepreneur: Why I Can’t Stop Starting Over. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass/Wiley, 2007. Print..

(Skorman 165)

Book, two or three authors

Section 5.5.4 and 5.5.13 in MLA Handbook

Pride, William, Robert J. Hughes, and Jack R. Kapoor. Business. 10th ed. Mason, OH: South-Western/Cengage Learning, 2010. Print

(Price, Hughes, and Kapoor 307)

Book, four or more authors

Section 5.5.4 and 6.2 in MLA Handbook

Montgomery, Williams, et al. The Quest for Aztec Gold. New York: Penguin, 1994. Print.

(Montgomery et al. 87)

Book, editor(s)

Section 5.5.4 in MLA Handbook

Hay, Jeff T., ed. The Fall of the Berlin Wall. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2010. Print.

(Hay 27)

Book, corporate author

Section 5.5.5 and 6.4.5 in MLA Handbook

Time-Life Books. Decade of Triumph, the 40s. Alexandria, VA: Time-Life Books, 1999. Print.

(Time-Life Books 104)

Anonymous author/no author given

Section 5.4.9 and 6.4.4 in MLA Handbook

Primary Colors, a Novel of Politics. New York: Random House, 1996. Print.

(Primary Colors 14)

MLA Articles (Magazine, Journal, Newspaper)

Source Works Cited In-Text

Article in Magazine (print)

Section 5.4.6 in MLA Handbook

Ottesen, Carole. “Prophet of the Prairie.” The American Gardener 89 Sept. 2010: 24-28. Print

(Ottesen 25)

Article in Magazine (database)

Sections 5.4.6, 5.6.4, 5.4.2 in MLA Handbook

Lyon, Mich. “Pay the Piper.” Harper’s Magazine 313 Dec. 2006: 4-5. Academic Search Premier. Web. 23 June 2007.

(Lyon 4)

Article in Magazine (online)

Section 5.6.2b in MLA Handbook

Moore, Tristana. “Did Negligence Kill Knut the Polar Bear?” 22 Mar. 2011. Web 23 Mar. 2011


Article in Newspaper (print)

Section 5.4.5 in MLA Handbook

Boyle, John. “Volvo’s Exit Ripples in Community.” Asheville Citizen-Times 17 Mar. 2011: A1+. Print

(Boyle A1)

Article in Newspaper (database)

Section 5.4.5 and 5.6.4 in MLA Handbook

Pearson, Erin. “Southeast Kansas Producers Pooling Cattle.” Farm Talk Newspaper 21 Nov. 2007: 14. Newspaper Source Plus. Web. 22 Mar. 2011.

(Pearson 14)

Article in Newspaper (online)

Section 5.4.5 and 5.6.2b in MLA Handbook

McDowall, Angus. “Saudi Arabia to Hold Municipal Elections.” The Wall Street Journal. Wall Street Journal, 23 Mar. 2011. Web. 23 Mar. 2011.


Article in Journal (print)

Section 5.4.2 in MLA Handbook

Howe, Barbara J. “On Stage and in Class: Women Artists in Mid-19th Century Wheeling.” Appalachian Journal 37.3/4 (2010): 184-209. Print.

(Howe 201)

Article in Journal (online, no page numbers)

Section 5.6.3 in MLA Handbook

Perkins, Clarence. “The Wealth of the Knight’s Templar in England and the Disposition of It After Their Dissolution.” The American Historical Review 15.2 (1910): n. pag. Web. 23 Mar. 2011.


Article in Journal (database)

Section 5.6.4 in MLA Handbook

Stealey III, John. “Irons in the Fire: the Business History of the Tayloe Family and Virginia’s Gentry, 1700-1860.” Journal of American History 95.3 (2008): 817-818. Academic Search Premier. Web 23 Mar 2011.

(Stealey III 818)


MLA Dictionaries & Encyclopedias

Source Works Cited In-Text

Dictionary (print)

Section 5.5.7 and 6.6.4 in MLA Handbook

“Muster.” Random House Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary. 2nd ed. 1999. Print.


Dictionary (online)

Sections 5.5.7, 5.6.2c, and 6.4.4 in MLA Handbook

“Hieroglyphic.” Merriam-Webster’s Online Dictionary. 2011. Merriam-Webster Online. Merriam-Webster. Web 23 Mar. 2011.


Encyclopedia (print)

Section 5.5.7 and 6.4.4 in MLA Handbook

“Minorca” Encyclopedia Britannica. 1980 ed. Print.


Encyclopedia (online)

Section 5.6.2b in MLA Handbook HighBeam Research, 2010. Web 23 Mar. 2011.

(“French Revolution”)



MLA Citation Style Formatting Tips

  • Use Hanging Indent citations [in Word, highlight text, right click, select Paragraph, and choose “Hanging” under Indentation: ]
  • Footnotes may be used in lieu of In-Text citation, depending on your instructor’s preferences.  
  • List your references or sources used beginning on a new page, not following the conclusion paragraph(s).
  • May use Works Cited, Bibliography, or Literature Cited as the page heading.  However Works Cited is most common for MLA style.
  • Center the heading (Works Cited, Bibliography, etc.) at the top of the Works Cited page.
  • List references alphabetically by author/editor last name.  If no author/editor is present, alphabetize by title of the work, omitting initial A, An, or The.
  • Double space citations [in Word, highlight text, right click, select Paragraph, and choose “Double” under Spacing: ]
  • Double space between each reference listed.

APA Books

Source Works Cited In-Text

Book, one author

Sections 6.11 and 7.02

Churchill, W. (1949). Their finest hour. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin.

(Churchill, 1949)

Book, two to five authors

Sections  6.12, 6.27

Herrnstein, R., & Murray, C. (1994). The bell curve: intelligence and class structure in American life. New York, NY: Free Press.

(Herrnstein & Murray, 1994)

Book, six or more authors

Sections 6.12, 6.27, 7.02

Iverson, C., Christiansen, S., Flanagin, A., Fontanarosa, P. B., Glass, R. M., Gregoline, B., et al. (2007). AMA manual of style: a guide for authors and editors. Oxford: Oxford University Press.


(Iverson, et al., 2007)

Book, editor(s)

Sections 6.27 and 7.02

Piotrowski, N. (Ed.). (2010). Salem health: psychology & mental health. Pasadena, CA: Salem Press.

(Piotrowski, 27)

Book, corporate author

Sections6.13, 6.27, and 7.02

National Geographic. (2002). Field guide to the birds of North America. Washington, D.C.: National Geographic.

(National Geographic, 2002)

Book, anonymous author/no author given

Sections 6.15, 6.27, and 7.02

Primary colors: a novel of politics. (1996). New York, NY: Random House.

(Primary colors, 1996)


APA Articles (Magazine, Journal, Newspaper)

Source Works Cited In-Text

Article in Magazine (print)

Section 7.01

Chamberlin, J., Novotney, A., Packard, E., & Price, M. (2008, May). Enhancing worker well-being: Occupational health psychologists convene to share their research on work, stress, and health. Monitor on Psychology, 39(5), 26-29.

(Chamberlin, Novotney, Packard, and Price, 27)

Article in Magazine (online)

Section 7.01

Clay, R. (2008, June). Science vs. ideology: Psychologists fight back about the misuse of research. Monitor on Psychology, 39(6). Retrieved from


Article in Newspaper (print)

Section 7.01

Bompey, N. (2011, March 30). Hospital saves Health Adventure. The Asheville Citizen-Times, pp.A1, A7.

(Bompey, A1)

Article in Newspaper


Section 7.01

Wingfield, N., & Guth, R. A. (2011, March 30). Microsoft co-founder hits out at Gates. The Wall Street Journal. Retrieved from

(Wingfield and Guth)

Article in Journal

(without DOI)

{ DOI -- digital object identifier }

Section 7.01

Light, M. A., & Light, I. H. (2008). The geographic expansion of Mexican immigration in the United States and its implications for local law enforcement. Law Enforcement Executive Forum Journal, 8(1), 71-82.

(Light and Light, 75)

Article in Journal

(with DOI)

Section 7.01

{ DOI -- digital object identifier }

Herbst-Damm, K. L., & Kulik, J. A. (2005). Volunteer support, marital status, and the survival times of terminally ill patients. Health Psychology, 24, 225-229. doi:10.1037/0278-6133.24.2.225

(Herbst-Damm and Kulik, 228)


APA Encyclopedias

Source Works Cited In-Text

Encyclopedia, author/editor (print)

Section 7.02

Seiber, R. (2002). Visual arts of black Africa. Encyclopedia Americana. (11th ed., Vol. 1, pp. 284-288). Danbury, CT: Grolier.


(Seiber 286)

Encyclopedia, author/editor (online)

Section 7.02

Hooker, R. (2004). Early Japanese visual arts. In Encyclopedia Britannica Online. Retrieved from


Encyclopedia, no author/editor (print)

Section 7.02

Minorca. (2005). Encyclopedia Britannica. (15th ed., vol. 8, pp.169). Chicago, IL: Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc.


Encyclopedia, no author/editor (online)

Section 7.02

Heuristic. (1980). In Merriam-Webster's online dictionary (11th ed.). Retrieved from



APA Websites, E-Books, and Audio-Visual Materials

Source Works Cited In-Text

Website, no author (entire site)

Interactive: how stress affects our bodies (2011). Retrieved March 30, 2011, from

(How stress affects)
Website, pages within

Hogan, L. (2009, August 24). Ancient skeletons could help solve mystery of rare disease.  Retrieved


DVD, Video, or Film Recording

Section 7.07

American Psychological Association. (Producer). (2000). Responding therapeutically to patient expressions of sexual attraction [DVD]. Available from

(American Psychological Association)


Section 7.02

Koltsova, V., Oleinik, Y., Gilgen, A., & Gilgen, C. (1996). Post-Soviet perspectives on Russian psychology.  Retrieved from

(Koltsova, Oleinik, Gilgen, and Gilgen, 145)



APA Citation Style Formatting Tips

  • Use Hanging Indent citations [in Word, highlight text, right click, select Paragraph, and choose “Hanging” under Indentation: ]
  • Footnotes are used to supplement content or the acknowledge status of copyright permissions only.  If citing/quoting a source, use the In-Text format.
  • List your references beginning on a new page, not following the conclusion paragraph(s).
  •  Center the word References at the beginning of the References page.
  • List references alphabetical by author/editor last name.  If no author/editor is present, alphabetize by first letter of title.
  • Double space citations [in Word, highlight text, right click, select Paragraph, and choose “Double” under Spacing: ]
  • Double space between each reference listed.

Turabian Books

Source Bibliography Page In-Text

Book, one author

Johns, Adrian. 1998. The Nature of the Book: Print and Knowledge in the Making. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

(Johns 1998, 78)

Book, two or three authors

Iacocca, Lee and William Novak. 1984.  Iacocca: an Autobiography. New York: Bantam Books.

(Iacocca and Novak, 1984 23-27)

Book, four or more authors

Ward, Geoffrey, Martha Saxton, Ann Gordon, and Ellen Carol DuBois. 1999. Not for Ourselves Alone: the Story of Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony: an Illustrated History. New York: A.A. Knopf.

(Geoffrey Ward et al, 1999 131)

Book, editor(s)

Maynard, Mack, ed. 1968. Essential Articles for the Study of Alexander Pope. Hamden, CT.: Archon Books.

(Maynard, ed. 1968, 801-805)

Book, corporate author

National Geographic. 2002. Field Guide to the Birds of North America. Washington, DC: National Geographic.

(National Geographic 2002, 27)

Parts of Edited Collections

Binkley, Cameron. 2011. “Saving Redwoods: Clubwomen and Conservation, 1900-1925” In California Women and Politics: From the Gold Rush to the Great Depression, edited by Robert W. Cherny, Mary Ann Irwin, and Ann Marie Wilson, 151-174. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.

(Binkley 2011, 152-153)

Book, electronic

Kurland, Philip B., and Ralph Lerner, eds. 1987. The Founders’ Constitution. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Accessed June 5, 2015. URL.

(Kurland and Lerner, ed. 1987)


Turabian Articles (Magazine, Journal, Newspaper)

Source Bibliography Page In-Text

Article in Magazine (print)


Martin, Steve. 2002. “Sports-Interview Shocker.” New Yorker, May 6.

(Martin 2002)

Article in Magazine (online)

Sections 17.3 and 17.7

van Breugel, Floris. 2010. “The Burrowing Owls of the Salton Seas.” Living Bird, Winter. Accessed April 8, 2011.

(van Breugel 2010)

Article in Newspaper (print)

Section 17.4

Niederkorn, William S. 2002. “A Scholar Recants on His ‘Shakespeare’ Discovery.” New York Times, June 20, Arts section, Midwest edition.

(Niederkorn 2002)

Article in Newspaper (online)

Sections 17.4 and 17.7

Theobald, Bill. 2011. “Smokies, Parkway through Asheville Would Close During Federal Shutdown.” Asheville Citizen-Times, April 7. Accessed April 8, 2011.|topnews|text|Frontpage.

(Theobald 2011)

Article in Journal (print)

Section 17.2

Green, Nancy L. 2005. “The Politics of Exit: Reversing the Immigration Paradigm.” Journal of Modern History 77 (June): 263-289.

(Green 2005, 264-267)

Article in Journal (online)

Sections 17.2 and 17.2.7

Markel, Howard, M.D., PhD. 2002. "In the Wake of the Plague: The Black Death and the World It Made.". The New England journal of medicine 347, no. 4: 297-298,

(Markel 2002, 297)


Turabian Websites

Source Bibliography Page In-Text
Page within a Website, with author

Smith, John. “Obama Inaugurated as President.” URL. (Accessed February 1, 2009).

(Smith 2009)
Page within a Website, no author

Cable News Network. “Obama Inaugurated as President.” URL. (Accessed February 1, 2009).

(“Obama” 2009)



Turabian Citation Style Formatting Tips

  • Use Hanging Indent citations [in Word, highlight text, right click, select Paragraph, and choose “Hanging” under Indentation: ]
  • Footnotes are used lieu of In-Text citations, but In-Text citations are more common for use on this campus.
  • List your references or sources used beginning on a new page, not following the conclusion paragraph(s).
  • Turabian style requires Bibliography as the heading of the works cited page.
  • Center the heading Bibliography at the top of the works cited page.
  • List references alphabetically by author/editor last name.  If no author/editor is present, alphabetize by title of the work.
  • Double space citations [in Word, highlight text, right click, select Paragraph, and choose “Double” under Spacing: ]
  • Double space between each reference listed.

JoWM Books

Source Works Cited
Book, general format

McCullough, D. R.  1979.  The George Reserve deer herd: population ecology of a K-selected species.  University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA.

Book, more than 1 edition

Miller, K. V., and L. Marchinton.  1995.  Quality whitetails: the why and how of quality deer management.  Stackpole, Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania, USA.


Book, more than 1 publisher

Sowls, L. K.  1955.  Prairie ducks: a study of their behavior, ecology, and management. Stackpole, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, and Wildlife Management Institute, Washington, D.C., USA.


Gutierrez, R. J., A. B. Franklin, and W.S. LaHaye.  1995.  Spotted owl (Strix occidentalis). Account 179 in A. Poole and F. Gill, editors.  The birds of North America, The Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and The American Ornithologists' Union, Washington, D.C., USA.

Book, more than 1 volume

Palmer, R. S.  1976.  Handbook of North American birds.  Volume 2.  Yale University Press, New Have, Connecticut, USA.

Book, editor as author

Temple, S. A., editor.  1978.  Endangered birds: management techniques for preserving threatened species.  University of Wisconsin Press, Madison, USA.

Book, reprint


Book, chapter

Zeleny, L.  1978.  Nesting box programs for bluebirds and other passerines.  Pages 55-60 in S. A. Temple, editor.  Endangered birds: management techniques for preserving threatened species.  University of Wisconsin Press, Madison, USA.


JoWM Articles, Journals

Source Works Cited
Journal Article, general format

Miller, M. R.  1986.  Molt chronology of northern pintails in California.  Journal of Wildlife Management 50:57-64.


Steigers, W. D., Jr., and J. T. Flinders.  1980.  A breakaway expandable collar for cervids.  Journal of Mammalogy 61:150-152.

Journals in Press, year and volume known

Zelenak, J. R., and J. J. Rotella.  1997.  Nest success and productivity of ferruginous hawks in northern Montana.  Canadian Journal of Zoology 75:in press.

Journals in Press, year and volume unknown

Giudice, J. H., and J. T. Ratti.  In press. Biodiversity of wetland ecosystems: review of status and knowledge gaps.  Bioscience.

Multiple Citations of the Same Author(s)

Peek, J. M.  1963.  Appraisal of a moose range in southwestern Montana.  Journal of Range Management 16:227-231


Peek, J. M.  1986.  A review of wildlife management.  Pretice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, USA.


Peek, J. M., and A. L. Lovaas.  1968.  Differential distribution of elk by sex and age on the Gallatin winter range, Montana.  Journal of Wildlife Management 32:553-557.


Peek, J. M., A. L. Lovaas, and R. A. Rouse.  1967.  Population changes within the Gallatin elk herd, 1932-1965.  Journal of Wildlife Management 31:304-316.


Peek, J. M., and R. A. Rouse.  1966. Preliminary report on population changes within the Gallatin elk herd.  Wildlife Science 82:1298-1316.

Newspaper, Newsletter, and Magazine Article

Associated Press.  1997.  Feathers could fly over dove hunting.  Columbus Dispatch.  28 December 1997.; section E:15.

Eisler, P., and J. T. Bukley.  1996.  Voters to get a shot at hunting laws.  USA Today.  25 April 1996; section A:4

Jones-Jolma, D.  1993.  The fight to reform trapping in Arizona.  The Animals' Agenda.  March-April:20-24.

JoWM Symposia and Proceedings

Source Works Cited
Symposia and Proceedings, complete volume

DeGraaff, R. M., technical coordinator.  1978.  Proceedings of workshop on management of southern forests for nongame birds.  U.S. Forest Service General Technical Report SE-14, Washington, D.C., USA.

Symposia and Proceedings, individual article

Dickson, J. G.  1978.  Forest bird communities of the bottomland hardwoods.  Pages 66-73 in R. M Degraff, technical coordinator.  Proceedings of workshop on management of southern forests for nongame birds.  U.S. Forest Service General Technical Report SE-14, Washington, D.C., USA.

Symposia and Proceedings, complete volume not part of a numbered series

McAninch, J. B.  1995.  Urban deer: a manageable resource?  Proceedings of the symposium of the 55th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference.  North Central Section of The Wildlife Society, 12-14 December 1993, St. Louis, Missouri, USA.

Symposia and Proceedings, individual article not part of a numbered series

Stout, S. L., and R. Lawrence.  1996.  Deer in Allegheny Plateau forests: learning the lessons of scale.  Pages 92-98 in Proceedings of the 1995 Foresters Convention.  Society of American Foresters, 28 October-1 November 1995, Portland, Maine, USA.


JoWM Government Publications

Source Works Cited
Government Publications

Lull, J. W.  1968.  A forest atlas of the Northeast.  U.S. Forest Service, Northeast Forest and Experiment Station, Upper Darby, Pennsylvania, USA.

Government Publication, part of a numbered series

Anderson, D. R.  1975.  Population ecology of the mallard: V. Temporal and geographic estimates of survival, recovery, and harvest rates. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Resource Publication, 125, Washington, D.C., USA.

Government Publication, agency as author

National Research Council.  197..  Nutrient requirements of poultry.  Seventh edition.  National Academy of Science, Washington, D.C., USA.


JoWM Miscellaneous

Source Works Cited
Court Cases Cite complete title and year of case in text only.
Foreign Language Publication

Angulo, E.  2003.  Factores que afectan a la distribucion y abundancia del conejo en Andalucia.  Dissertation, Complutense University, Madrid, Spain.  [In Spanish.}

Software Package

SAS Institute.  2001.  Version 8.02 user manual.  SAS Institute, Cary, North Carolina, USA.

Theses or Dissertations

Brelsford, M. A.  1991.  Effects of grazing by wapiti on winter wheat and winter rapeseed, and the effects of simulated wapiti use on winter wheat in northern Idaho.  Thesis, University of Idaho, Moscow, USA.

Tacha, T. C.  1981.  Behavior and taxonomy of sandhill cranes from mid-continental North America.  Dissertation, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, USA.

Web Citation, professional site

Council of Biology Editors [CBE].  1999.  CBE home page. <>.  Accessed 7 Oct 1999.

Web Citation, article in an electronic journal

Browning, T.  1997.  Embedded visuals: student design in Web spaces.  Kairos: A Journal for Teachers of Writing in Webbed Environments 3(1). <>.  Accessed 21 Oct 1997.

Web Citation: government publication

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration [NOAA]. 2005.  National Weather Service internet service team.  Monthly precipitation for Reno, Nevada. <http://www.wrh.noaa.gove/rev/hydrology/monthly_precip.php>.  Accessed 23 Aug 2005.


JoWM Formatting Tips

  • Use Hanging Indent citations [in Word, highlight text, right click, select Paragraph, and choose “Hanging” under Indentation: ]
  • List your references or sources used beginning on a new page, not following the conclusion paragraph(s).
  • May use Works Cited, Bibliography, or Literature Cited as the page heading. 
  • Center the heading (Works Cited, Bibliography, etc.) at the top of the Works Cited page.
  • List references alphabetically by author/editor last name.  If no author/editor is present, alphabetize by title of the work, omitting initial A, An, or The.
  • Double space citations [in Word, highlight text, right click, select Paragraph, and choose “Double” under Spacing: ]
  • Double space between each reference listed.

Annotated Bibliographies

What is an annotated bibliography?

  • An annotated bibliography is a list of citations for sources. What makes an annotated bibliography different is that after each citation, you include a short paragraph that summarizes and evaluates each source's content.
  • Annotated bibliography entries may be in MLA, APA, Chicago or another accepted style format.
  • Entry content may be descriptive, evaluative, or both. Consult your instructor or your syllabus for specific assignment requirements.

What is the purpose of annotated bibliographies?

  • Provide a "trail of breadcrumbs" by which other researchers may verify your claims or further their own studies
  • Encourage you to begin your research early and investigate relevant sources before you have to present your ideas in a paper or other project
  • Explore the relevance of specific resources to your project or the subject's complete body of study

Annotations vs. Abstracts

An abstract is a descriptive summary of an article's content that is found at the beginning of an article in an academic journal or online database. Abstracts do not evalulate or critique the article or its author(s.) Researchers may use abstracts as tools to quickly grasp the details of an article and to assess its value as it relates to a specific project.

Annotations, while they may be descriptive, offer critical analysis of the resource's author, content, and relevance.


Example of an annotated bibliography entry in MLA style courtesy of The Writing Center, UNC-Chapel Hill:

London, Herbert. "Five Myths of the Television Age." Television Quarterly 10.1    

    (1982): 81-89.

Herbert London, the Dean of Journalism at New York University and author of several books and articles, explains how television contradicts five commonly believed ideas. He uses specific examples of events seen on television, such as the assassination of John Kennedy, to illustrate his points. His examples have been selected to contradict such truisms as: "seeing is believing"; "a picture is worth a thousand words"; and "satisfaction is its own reward." London uses logical arguments to support his ideas, which are his personal opinion. He doesn't refer to any previous works on the topic. London's style and vocabulary would make the article of interest to any reader.

View more samples in other major styles from the Purdue OWL

Example of an MLA-style abstract from a scholarly research article, citation included (courtesy of Cornell University Library):


Waite, Linda J., Frances Kobrin Goldscheider, and Christina Witsberger. "Nonfamily Living and the Erosion of Traditional Family Orientations Among Young Adults." American Sociological Review 51.4 (1986): 541-554. Print.

  • The authors, researchers at the Rand Corporation and Brown University, use data from the National Longitudinal Surveys of Young Women and Young Men to test their hypothesis that nonfamily living by young adults alters their attitudes, values, plans, and expectations, moving them away from their belief in traditional sex roles. They find their hypothesis strongly supported in young females, while the effects were fewer in studies of young males. Increasing the time away from parents before marrying increased individualism, self-sufficiency, and changes in attitudes about families. In contrast, an earlier study by Williams cited below shows no significant gender differences in sex role attitudes as a result of nonfamily living.

Example of an MLA-style abstract from a scientific research article, citation included:

Marco Musiani1, et al. "Effects Of Wolves On Elk And Cattle Behaviors: Implications For Livestock Production And Wolf Conservation." Plos ONE 5.8    (2010): 1-9. Academic Search Complete. Web. 12 Feb. 2013.

Background: In many areas, livestock are grazed within wolf (Canis lupus) range. Predation and harassment of livestock by wolves creates conflict and is a significant challenge for wolf conservation. Wild prey, such as elk (Cervus elaphus), perform anti-predator behaviors. Artificial selection of cattle (Bos taurus) might have resulted in attenuation or absence of antipredator responses, or in erratic and inconsistent responses. Regardless, such responses might have implications on stress and fitness. Methodology/Principal Findings: We compared elk and cattle anti-predator responses to wolves in southwest Alberta, Canada within home ranges and livestock pastures, respectively. We deployed satellite- and GPS-telemetry collars on wolves, elk, and cattle (n = 16, 10 and 78, respectively) and measured seven prey response variables during periods of wolf presence and absence (speed, path sinuosity, time spent head-up, distance to neighboring animals, terrain ruggedness, slope and distance to forest). During independent periods of wolf presence (n = 72), individual elk increased path sinuosity (Z =22.720, P = 0.007) and used more rugged terrain (Z =22.856, P = 0.004) and steeper slopes (Z =23.065, P = 0.002). For cattle, individual as well as group behavioral analyses were feasible and these indicated increased path sinuosity (Z =22.720, P = 0.007) and decreased distance to neighbors (Z =22.551, P = 0.011). In addition, cattle groups showed a number of behavioral changes concomitant to wolf visits, with variable direction in changes. Conclusions/Significance: Our results suggest both elk and cattle modify their behavior in relation to wolf presence, with potential energetic costs. Our study does not allow evaluating the efficacy of anti-predator behaviors, but indicates that artificial selection did not result in their absence in cattle. The costs of wolf predation on livestock are often compensated considering just the market value of the animal killed. However, society might consider refunding some additional costs (e.g., weight loss and reduced reproduction) that might be associated with the changes in cattle behaviors that we documented.

What Is An Annotated Bibliography?

How to Create an Annotated Bibliography

1. Conduct research on your topic using a variety of sources appropriate to your assignment.

2. Assemble a selection of resources that offer a number of differing persepctives on your topic.

3. Cite the resource according to the required style (APA, MLA, or other.)

4. Write a brief paragraph that includes the following:

  • A description of the resource's content
  • An evaluation of the author's assertions, authority and intended audience
  • A critique of the resource's relevance to your topic
  • An analysis of the resource's relation to other works on the subject

*Not all of your entries will be the same length. A 2-page journal article may be summarized in 1-2 sentences while a longer source, such as a book, may require a paragraph.


We consulted the following sources in creating this page:

American Psychological Association. Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. 5th ed. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association, 2001.

“Annotated Bibliographies.” The Writing Center. 2010. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. 11 Feb 2013

 “How to Prepare an Annotated Bibliography.” Cornell University Libraries. 2012. Cornell University. 11 Feb 2013 <>.

“Writing an Annotated Bibliography.” Robert E. Kennedy Library. (n.d.). California Polytechnic State University, San Louis Obispo. 11 Feb 2013