Haywood Community College is a participant in the Safe Zone program seeks to create a climate of safety for all members of the college community.
When you see this symbol on someone’s office door or in someone's office, it means that the person is safe zone trained and is empathetic and informed about gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and questioning (GLBTQ) issues and is willing to provide support, information, and confidentiality.
The mission of Haywood Community College Student Wellness Staff is to provide students with an enriching college experience by providing a variety of wellness services.
Student wellness staff is available to assist students with clarifying educational and personal goals and establishing appropriate academic plans and resolving social and personal difficulties.
Student wellness will arrange confidential conferences to discuss any concerns, to provide needed guidance, and/or to make individual referrals. The goal of our student wellness staff is to encourage each student's self-development, and to help each student solve problems as they arise. HCC offers distance learning students wellness services online. Student wellness services are free-of-charge.