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Biology Websites

American Institute of Biological Sciences: Organization dedicated to advancing research and education in the biological sciences.

The Biology Project: An interactive online resource for learning biology developed at The University of Arizona

BioEdOnline: Presentations, lesson plans, current research, teaching resources and more courtesy of the University of Baylor

International Union for Conservation of Nature: The world's oldest and largest global environmental organization, the IUCN publishes reports, assessments, the Red List of Threatened and Endangered Species, and more.

Organization of Biological Field Stations: Representing field stations across the United States, Canada and Central America, the Organization helps to improve effectiveness in research, education, and outreach. The site has a useful Jobs and Internships page, and some Field Stations offer courses and hands-on projects.

Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute: With a mission to conserve species and train future generations of conservationists, the Institute consists of six centers: The Center for Animal Care Science, the Conservation Ecology Center, the Center for Conservation Education and Sustainability, the Center for Conservation and Evolutionary Genetics, the Migratory Bird Center, and the Center for Species Survival.

USGS Ecosystems: Information and research for ecosystems, water, energy, and related subjects from the U.S. Geological Service